Wednesday, October 29, 2008

What I Like About My Picture.
I like how the picture flows together, all of the emotions are connected but different at the same time. I also like how i used strong images, ones that get the message across. I also like how some of the images are transparent and you can see the others through. the picture uses different colours and shades, they go from dark to light or light to dark.
What I Don't Like About My Photo.
I don't like how i only used a few emotions, there are so many possibilities and different emotions and i only portrayed a couple. I also don't like how the eye is not as connected as it could be, it could be blended in a bit more, just so it seems like it belongs with the other photos. I also don't like how you cannot really see the teardrops or the puddle, especially because at the begining it was my main focus.
What I Would Change About My Photo.
I would add more photos and show different emotions. I would also make the pictures more cohesive and be blended together better. I would also use smaller pictures so that i could fit more on the page. i would want it to look like one picture not just a bunch of pictures put together.

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